Volunteers in Medical Missions (VIMM) Minister to the physical and spiritual needs of children and adults. One and two week medical trips to Nicaragua, Tanzania, Uruguay, India, Peru, Romania, Dominican Republic. Also use non-medical people in projects such as construction, Bible schools, evangelism.
VIMM is a team of Christian Doctors, nurses, and many other volunteers that minister to the physical & spiritual needs of children & adults in developing countries throughout the world.
VIMM provides opportunities for Christian medical professionals & other volunteers to experience missions first-hand. Please consider supporting our efforts and join our team, through financial support, through prayer, and/or participating in a mission trip.
Your prayers, financial help, and serving on mission trips is how God works through VIMM to reach the sick and the hurting around the world. Your support helps to spread the Gospel and show God’s love through healing and helping hands. Thank you for your prayerful and financial support of Volunteers in Medical Missions. May God continue to bless you.