YWAM Mendocino Coast

YWAM Mendocino Coast’s mission is evangelism. We are part of Youth With A Mission, an international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to presenting Jesus Christ personally to this generation, to mobilize as many as possible to help in this task, training and equipping believers for their part in fulfilling the Great Commission.

As Christians of God’s Kingdom, we are called to love, worship, and obey our Lord, to love the Church, and to present the whole Gospel for the whole man throughout the whole world. YWAM Mendocino Coast is a small, intentional community committed to knowing and experiencing God, and to making Him known in all His wisdom, goodness, and power.

Our History

Forty years ago, an entire hippie commune turned their lives and their land over to Jesus Christ. Since that time, spiritual seekers have found a haven of peace and beauty in the Lord’s Land — 29 acres of pastures, redwoods, and firs, dotted with unique hand-crafted cabins, minutes from the Pacific Ocean.

Today, the Lord’s Land is a ministry of Youth With A Mission Mendocino Coast. We continue to provide quiet, affordable lodging for Christian individuals, families, and groups. We also offer discipleship training and organized retreats.

We are a community of full-time missionaries working to re-dig the wells of revival, transform the Mendocino Coast, and raise up a generation who will take the Gospel of the Kingdom to the ends on earth.

Our Mission

Our Community lives to be a stronghold of supernatural beauty and wisdom that trains young warriors to take the Presence of God to the darkest places.

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