Po River Medical Clinic

Mission site started in 1960 with church and school. Medical clinic was added in 2013. Coconut oil processing facility opened in 2023

Our History

Steve and I were perfectly content NOT being purposeful. We each have great stable jobs that we really enjoy, we are really not lacking anything… our life together has been completely comfortable.

Jen was at CPNP working as a staff nurse in a Pediatric ICU in central Jersey and Steve was an engineer/account executive working for large, global company he focused on the NYC construction market. But gradually we both started to talk about how we felt like were called to do something different… we felt we were created for a different purpose.

We prayed together and we both knew that is exactly what God was calling for us to do at that moment… let go and give Him everything. God is doing the rest. He has been throwing the doors open with support, connections, dreams and answered prayers. Each day we are being affirmed this is the plan for us. We joke around that neither Jen nor I know the exact date that we were saved through faith… but we do know the day we both together surrendered it all to God… December 12, 2011.

Our Mission

Strengthen the weak, heal the sick, and bind up the injured… in the name of Jesus.

The Po River Medical Clinic provides quality medical care to one of the worlds most disadvantaged and remote communities.

What We Do

It is an exciting time on the mission with a lot of projects on-going. Here’s a look at a little of what’s happening. Thanks to everyone who have helped support these projects with their time and generous donations.

New Clinic Building – We are close to finishing the new clinic building. Plans are to install the solar in mid-December and then we will be ready to transition the team into the new space. The new space will be a great improvement with each of the staff members giving input and ideas to make their area better.

New Library – Currently there are over 30 cartons of books being shipped from the States to Liberia for the creation of a new library at the school. Besides a great space for learning and checking out books, the project will include a reading program where students can earn free lunch vouchers just for reading.

New Courts – We have poured a basketball and tennis court for the school and community. The courts will be instrumental in programs that combine coaching, leadership and discipleship. The youth in the community can’t wait for these to be completed.

Farm Expansion and Oil Processing Facility – The team has cleared a large area and we are almost finished planting another 5,000 coconut trees. In addition to the farm, we have broken ground on the foundation of the coconut oil plant. Mission site and community coconuts will be processed into oil and sold at a fair market price to help fund mission site operations. Another step on the journey to sustainability.

Road Improvements – Last year’s initial road improvements focused on road widening and leveling. This year will focus on targeted improvements on the worst sections of the road broken down during rainy season.

Market Day – 2023 will see the creation of Monday Market Day on the Mission. Each Monday, the community will be invited to come on the mission for buying and selling to help connect local fisherman and farmers with consumers.

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