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After School Programs, Vocational Training – Goa

Rahab’s Rope invites you to partner with us on a trip to India! Come help us share the love of Christ with those who are marginalized and/or trafficked. From prevention to intervention to aftercare, you can help make a difference! Serve like Jesus and come alongside our staff to share your gifts through Bible Studies, Group Activities, Life Skill Classes, Vocational Training, Medical skills and more.

Your trip will have a lasting impact as you encourage and empower those we serve as well as our full-time staff. Our internships work within our programs while assisting our national staff in that particular location. It is our desire to have interns who can bring resources and support for the area they are working within, such as detox, rehabilitation, early childhood education, vocational training, and our aftercare programs. Depending on the individual’s qualifications, the intern may also help with leading/hosting teams.  Internships range from 1-6 months. 2 interns needed.


Goa, India


June-August 2020

What We Will Do

Goa is located on the beautiful west coast of India with a population of 1.8 million. Goa is known for its tourism and their rice and fish curry. The ministry in Goa is located in two local slums. This location offers a vast array of opportunities for you to serve through mentoring children in our after-school programs, preschool activities, tutoring teenagers in classes and life-skills training for both teenage girls and young women, and help women with product development at the vocational training center. Bring your creativity and skills to partner and join us to help end the cycle of trafficking before it begins through seeing lives transformed by Christ’s love!

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