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Honduras: Premedical/Student Nurse

Volunteer Honduras: Undergraduate students (medical, global health, nursing) are welcome to join our health-related projects in La Ceiba, Honduras. These projects not only provide a hands-on learning opportunity in universal health care practices, you will also make a lasting impact on this Honduran community.

Pre-medical and Student nurses work side by side the local doctors and nurses at a very busy public, regional hospital in La Ceiba Honduras. This is the main medical source for thousands of people in the Atlantida region of Honduras. The hospital has both outpatient and inpatient services, including emergency care, mainly for low-income families.

Some of the daily volunteer task may include:

Assisting in the maternity ward
Charting patients, taking vitals, assisting with consultations
Assisting with: cleaning wounds, changing bandages, sutures
Outreach campaigns: preparing materials/and set up



Our program is open to volunteers of all educational or professional backgrounds. As our sites are open year-round, volunteers are welcome to travel at any time and for any length of time. Whether you’re learning about tropical medicine in the local hospital, giving dental health education classes, working on the ambulance or observing surgery, your experience allows you to better understand the Honduran healthcare system as well as contribute to the improvement of health in La Ceiba and the surrounding Atlantida community.

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