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Philippines: Serve in “The Pearl of the Orient Seas” as a Missions Intern or on a Vision Trip

ACTION was founded in the Philippines more than 40 years ago. Our roots run deep there and today we have about 35 missionaries serving full-time. We have opportunities for people 19 and older who would like to join our workers for a month or longer and be mentored and discipled to boot!


Volunteers will be going to one of our ministry centers in the Manila area.


Trips and internships can be scheduled year-round with approval of the missionary and our ACTION Philippines Director


Willingness to serve in whatever ways necessary. Ability to share your testimony and the Gospel. Guidelines: 1. Come to serve, not to save 2. Consider the trip a privilege, not a sacrifice 3. Come to learn, not advise 4. Stress simplicity, not spectacular 5. Stay the course – all the time. 6. Be a blessing

What We Will Do

Several options: Minister to street kids in our KIDS Home or drop in centers and help children realize their worth and potential in Jesus. Watch God transform their lives. Serve in our vocational training program and provide young men with skills needed to lift them out of impoverished conditions. Train them in woodworking, auto mechanics, welding and other technical fields Medical missions internship for nurses or nursing students at Shalom Christian Birthing Home in Manila. Participate in missions & ministry video production internship creating content to promote ACTION ministries among the poor.

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