Global Ministries
Global Ministries is the common witness of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ. Our two denominations have a formal partnership through which Disciples Overseas Ministries and the UCC’s Wider Church Ministries share common staff, budget, programs/projects, and governance in our presence and witness with international partners throughout the global […]
In 2008, Dick & Terry Greenly founded Water4 out of a discontent with the water crisis and a calling to take action using the resources and experience they had from running their company Pumps of Oklahoma. At its conception, Water4 was a non-profit pump manufacturer and implementer, believing pump failure to be the root cause […]
Filter of Hope
The vision for Filter of Hope was actually conceived years ago when Bart Smelley and a group were surveying families living in abject poverty in third-world countries to determine their greatest needs. The goal was to determine ways to transform their communities and break the cycle of poverty they lived in. It was quickly realized […]
Corner of Love
Corner of Love is a growing international mission dedicated to glorifying God through healthcare, education, and clean water projects in Nicaragua. We lead teams from all over the world to serve in more than sixty remote villages near Matagalpa where many drink contaminated water and lack basic needs like medical and dental care, clothing and […]
Bread for the World Institute
Bread for the World Institute notes that millions of children in the developing world die each year from a lack of food. Based in Washington, DC, the institute engages in research, advocacy, and education to find effective ways of combating hunger worldwide.
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC)
As a Christian nonprofit organization, Feed My Starving Children is called to feed God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit. You will hear us say this again and again: “We want to reach everyone, until ALL are fed.” We truly mean this. This means reaching the hard-to-reach people and places, the “least of these.” […]
Living Water International
Everything begins with water. It’s the foundation for all other levels of development. That means—for the millions of thirsty people throughout the developing world—safe water can ultimately transform health, sanitation & hygiene, education, justice issues,livelihoods, and local churches. You can transform entire communities through water, for life, in Jesus’ name.
New Life International
Since 1998, New Life International has been bringing hope and healing to a world in need through innovative technology and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.