Gospelink Inc.

Gospelink believes that the advancement of the Gospel globally can be best accomplished by assisting national preachers who are actively involved in church planting and discipleship. Through prayer and financial assistance, national preachers are empowered, their evangelistic outreach is enhanced, and their church planting efforts are accelerated. Gospelink is partnering with nearly 1,300 national preachers in twelve nations in Africa, Asia, and Eurasia. In the years to come, it is our desire to assist thousands of national preachers and to expand into new areas of the world.

Our History

In April 1998, the Lord guided Lewis and Leah Nelms to start Gospelink.  Through the generous donation of a Christian businessman, a rent-free facility is provided in Wrens, GA, which would serve as the first Gospelink office.

Our Mission

The vision of Gospelink is to provide as many people as possible the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ and to help them to grow spiritually by empowering national preachers.

Our Values

We believe in and require all national preachers sponsored through Gospelink to acknowledge their belief in One God – Holy, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable. Subsisting in an eternal Trinity consisting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. [Genesis 1:1; 1 John 5:7; Revelation 22:13] and One Word – The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, given by the plenary and verbal inspiration of God; and the only infallible rule of faith, doctrine, and practice.  [2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:16-21]

What We Do

While Gospelink’s primary mission is to advance the Gospel by assisting national preachers, we have other initiatives which are bearing fruit. The sponsorship program links believers with resources with national preachers, Bible College students, and Orphans that lack them. The Ambassador International University is providing a quality education and ministry training to young men and women in Africa at little cost to them. Finally, the Harvest Hope Ministries in Malawi is training national preachers and caring for orphans and providing elementary and secondary education. As of this year will be in 20 countries acrossed all regions.

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