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Medical Ministry International

Compassion is an integral part of everything we do because we strive to be the Hands and Feet of God.  Jesus provided the perfect example of selfless love and compassion, and it is through this example we conduct our services.  “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”  (John 13:15)

Our History

Medical Group Missions (MGM) begins two-week medical projects in association with Christian Medical Society (CMS-USA) and Evangelical Medical Missionary Aid Society (EMMAS-Canada).

First Permanent Center, an MGM initiative, is founded in the Dominican Republic; the Elias Santana Center.

Medical Group Missions (Canada) Inc is incorporated and recognized as a registered charitable organization in Canada.
#89555 4947 RR 0001

1995 – 2014
Joint Ministry Agreement between MGM Canada (later name changed to Medical Ministry International Canada) and Medical Ministry USA operate as Medical Ministry International through a Joint Ministry Agreement. Both are independent registered charities in their respective countries and have independent Boards of Directors. Medical Ministry International is governed by an International Board of Directors.

Apostles Creed & Mission Statement adopted.

Strategy affirmed to provide health care through Short Term Projects and Permanent Centers.

2014 – 2021
Medical Ministry International continues providing health care in developing countries by collaborating directly with willing international partners. Medical Ministry International programs are co-sponsored in the USA by I Care San Antonio, a 501(c)3 organization.

Medical Ministry International celebrates 50 years of serving Jesus Christ by providing spiritual and compassionate health care.

A stronger brand identity is introduced which better communicates our name and represents our healing presence in the world.

Launch of new Medical Ministry International US entity, a 501(c)3 entity with Tax ID 85-2197645. Medical Ministry International and Medical Ministry International US are independent registered charities in their respective countries and have independent Boards of Directors. The entities share similar ministry objectives and operate by way of License and Service Agreements.

Our Mission

Medical Ministry International is an opportunity to serve Jesus Christ by providing spiritual and compassionate health care in this world of need.

Our Values

We seek to be people of integrity and good character as we strive to serve with excellence.

We seek to be faithful stewards & accountable of all that God has provided Medical Ministry International.

What We Do

Our Strategy to Healthcare Development
Establishing and supporting Health Care Centers in developing countries with the goal of increasing access to affordable, quality health care. As health care centers grow, they become largely self-supporting, in which case we assist with specific needs for land, buildings, renovations, and equipment, as able.

Facilitating 1 and 2-week Project Teams that work alongside our in-country Project Directors and facilities to build medical capacity for the long term. Project Teams are planned in response to local health care needs, following an invitation from the local community. We often partner with local churches.

Support Residency Training and Fellowship Programs for medical professionals to expand the skills of international doctors.We seek to establish medical platforms for service and education that build medical capacity for those that need it most. We endeavor to establish long term programs and facilities that address these needs.

We ask the patients to invest in their care. When they do, they follow the doctor’s orders and treat the medicine, equipment, etc. they receive well. We don’t want to create a paternalistic, dependence mentality.

Organization Name:
Medical Ministry International
MMI Admin
(905) 545-4400
PO Box 47158

Hamilton, ON, L8L3A1

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Medical Ministry International
Eye Surgery & Optical in Bolivia
Medical Ministry International
Dental and Surgery in Dominican Republic