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Newlife International School of Midwifery

Newlife School is US-based midwifery school offering academic and clinical training. Our vision is to train and equip young Christian women to serve as missionary midwives. Each student is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to practice anywhere in the world. Those who successfully complete the dual-enrollment training will graduate with an Associates degree and a Certified Professional Midwife certification from the US.

Our History

We’ve been training midwifery students for 25 years. More than 200 young woman have successfully completed our program and received US certification and licensing. Our missionary organization also has extensive experience involving church planting, tribal ministry, evangelism, community development, youth adventure programs, agriculture, primary health care, bible school training, etc.

Our Mission

Newlife School of Midwifery is a Christian School for Direct Entry Midwife Students – Training Christian Midwives to Serve as Missionaries.

Our Values

Newlife International School of Midwifery is a Christian school committed to providing excellence in midwifery education with a focus a lifestyle reflecting Biblical morality and behavior.

What We Do

Our vision is to train and equip young women to serve on the mission field as Christian midwives, and to start their own birthing centers in other third-world countries. Our program will provide each graduate with the necessary skills and knowledge to practice anywhere in the world. We strongly believe that a trained Christian midwife has the capacity to be a significant agent in serving the World Christian Movement. Our strategic vision is to see our graduates use their new skills to access places around the world where she is fully capable of transcending barriers to the Gospel message.