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Hope 4 Kids International

Our History

The journey of hope and faith began when Hope 4 Kids International Founder and President, Tom Eggum, was sitting in a college classroom reading about the struggles faced by those in the Soviet Union who suffered silently behind the Iron Curtain. He decided to take matters into his own hands and began smuggling suitcases full of Bibles into the Soviet Union until 1981 when he was caught, arrested and blacklisted by the KGB.

Tom’s visa was revoked and he was forbidden to enter the Soviet Union for five years. Instead of standing on the sidelines, he took six trips into Communist China and Vietnam with contraband medicine, antibiotics, clothes and shoes. From these-altering experiences, Tom founded Hope 4 Kids International.

Today, Tom Eggum’s legacy brings hope and healing to thousands of children and adults each year through H4KI’s ongoing ministry. For over 50 years, H4KI has been committed to serving children living in impoverished environments around the world by establishing economic, spiritual, water, orphan, and feeding programs. In addition to these programs, we have been leading teams of volunteers on two-week international mission trips bringing life-saving provisions and the spirit of Jesus.

Our Mission

For over 50 years, we have been committed to serving children living in impoverished environments around the world by establishing economic, spiritual, water, educational, and feeding programs. In addition to these programs, we have been leading teams of volunteers on two-week international mission trips bringing life-saving provisions and the spirit of Jesus.

Our Values

Our vision is healing and empowering destitute communities with hope and necessary care to raise a new generation of healthy individuals who can break the generational curse of extreme poverty. We strive to meet this vision by building our Four Pillars of Hope: Health, Dignity, Joy, and Love. We exemplify the spirit of Jesus to show that all children are worthy of a prosperous life and bright future.

What We Do

H4KI strives to restore dignity to innocent children and families who are suffering through extreme poverty and disease. We are bringing relief to poverty-stricken villages by providing clean water, building medical and dental clinics, and establishing emergency medical funds. Our strategies are designed to help villagers become self-sufficient through life-saving programs.

Child sponsorship is your opportunity to transform the life of a child. Through monthly support, you will empower and equip a child (or children) to create a better life. You can be part of this vital outreach by sponsoring a needy child, many of whom are orphans and have lost parents in the AIDS epidemic. By supporting these children, you will offer them a foundation for a bright future.

Where is your passion? Medicine? Education? Construction? H4KI offers a variety of opportunities to give you a well-rounded mission experience. We will share the opportunities for the day and you decide where you want to serve. Making a difference in this world during your mission experience will not only directly impact the lives of the children you meet, it will transform your life.

Water 4 Kid International has been bringing hope to disadvantaged children affected by extreme poverty and preventable diseases. W4KI drills deepwater wells in remote villages throughout East Africa and Central India. Clean water is one of the best ways to prevent diseases in remote villages in which an ailment such as diarrhea is often fatal. We strategically drill wells in communities close to primary schools, medical clinics, and trading centers.

In partnership with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), H4KI transports over 500,000 highly nutritious meals each year, ensuring over nearly 800 children in Uganda are fed daily. Each meal provides the essential nutrition for a growing child for one day. In addition to being fed, the children receive basic medical care at the Smile Africa Ministries clinic.
H4KI strives to lift remote villages out of the depths of extreme poverty by providing life-saving tools to combat various levels of poverty. Most of our unsponsored villages are worshipping in shacks and living without access to safe water, basic health care, or quality education.